Wednesday 14 2022



The first alternative begins by healing yourself – forgive yourself.What and why ? The answer is very simple and exceptionally reliable. For many, it can however mean something entirely new.


You are the one who feels pain and/or is ashamed. You are the one who continues in your undesirable (negative) emotions and reactions.


Haven’t you already become ill of your suffering ? It is yours, no ? You are the man with a “problem”, because you feel it as a problem. And only you can do something with it.


FORGIVE YOURSELF for allowing this negative influence to continue.


FORGIVE YOURSELF that, just like you PUNISHED and TOOK VENGEANCE UPON YOURSELF, you took vengeance upon others, made them feel ashamed, accused and punished those who abused you.


FORGIVE YOURSELF for making use of the abuse for JUSTIFICATIONS of wasting a big part of your life in unsuccess and doubting about yourself


FORGIVE YOURSELF the lack of awareness and the willingness to lie to yourself, which caused your accessibility to abusing, through which you suffered.


FORGIVE YOURSELF for your conferring a status of sacrament to yourself for the virtousness of suffering.


FORGIVE YOURSELF for your forgetting about your own POWER.


FORGIVE YOURSELF that you waived your own power and yielded it to others.


FORGIVE YOURSELF the assumption that forgiving changes for the better anyone but you.


FORGIVE YOURSELF that you evaluate and judge other people’s lives but not your own.


FORGIVE YOURSELF that you conferred a status of victim to yourself.



The real problem is that the abuse that caused you pain could not occur without your participation. This abuse can continue only with (either willing or unwilling) consent of a victim.


After all, if it comes to “Abuse”, we all have sinned. If we look at the subject objectively, we all guilty of abuse.



This is just a little part of the work on oneself, which is necessary for our best understanding and sensing of this book’s content. The field – which I recommend to you – is called KINESIOLOGY, i.e. ONE BRAIN. Once we begin to work on ourselves (and not on material things) and once we have certain results, we will be allowed by our Creator to advance to higher worlds, not otherwise. The same holds also for the contacts with the Cosmic people – this I am emphasizing to those who are waiting for “physical evidence.”


Several groups in the Czech countries work using this method at this time, and they are guided by the Cosmic people of the Forces of light, especially by Ashtar Sheran, a high spiritual being, the commander of the Grand Cosmic Squadron which is in charge of this part of Universe where our solar system with our planet Earth is located.


This I am stating here for the reason that today there are many “healers” who heal without higher beings, or even with beings of the Forces of darkness, and whose “work” results can be recognized much later after the “healing.”


           With love, Ivo Benda.















In the psychological, religious and metaphysical spheres the “Forgiveness” became a subtle theme. Or, in other words: “It is simpler to forgive than to confront somebody face to face.”


Many people are delighted at the possibility of disburdening them of past abuse and pain by means of forgiveness, and they do their best to convince themselves that they are more perfect than those who are more wrong than themselves. They take all the courage to forgive those who they are convinced have caused them pain.


Does it work ? Will the cycle break ? Will this form of justifying oneself ward off the tide of past abuse and paing ?


Well, for most people indulging in this “application of a sticking plaster” to heal the wounds of life, … let’s say, it works. Or at least for a moment.


But does it eliminate emotional effects of memories of stressful, painful situations, which underestimate the “feeling of a need” to fogive ? No, it does not. Smouldering pieces of coal are still ready to ignite the flames of ashaming and accusing oneself as well as the others.


What actually occurs in the meantime, when forgiveness seems to provide us with relief for a moment, if the same anger, fear and feeling of separation returns to chase us with the same questions ?


Why “it” worked ? Why are we struggling again with the ever-recurring feelings ? And, should forgiveness not to work, what works then ?


Forgiveness may give us a sensation that something has ended, but unless we unblock memories that have caused mentioned negative feelings, we will still be left at the mercy of them.


And… is there actually an alternative of forgiving others the sinful acts they committed on us ?

How to naturally increase your Testosterone

This article is originally from Victor Pride's Bold and Determined Blog

It is an easily observable fact that today’s Men have less testosterone than their fathers and even less testosterone than their Grandfathers. We live in a highly emasculated society. For proof just walk out your door and go to the local grocery store and take a look at the Men. I was at a grocery store the other day and I heard a “man” literally beg his wife to get 2% milk instead of skim milk. He literally begged inside of the store, like a little girl.

Testosterone is what keeps you from being a giant sissy.

Signs of low Testosterone:

  • Excess bodyfat
  • Low libido
  • Gynecomastia
  • Lack of motivation
  • Depression
  • Low self esteem
  • Irritability
  • Moodiness
  • Memory loss
  • Loss of morning erections
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased energy
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Testicle shrinkage
  • Low sperm count

There are several reasons why Men have such low testosterone, and we will go over those, but the most important one is diet. You need to eat fat to produce testosterone. Aim for 30% of your total calories form fat. The standard American Low-fat diet is producing heaps of effeminate males. Every guy I know that is super low in T (you can tell because they are frail, timid, sexless, weak) has a poor diet. They eat low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diets. They eat things like Macaroni and cheese as a meal. That’s what little boys eat (they shouldn’t). Eat like a man for high Testosterone. Some excellent testosterone building meals include..

Steak and eggs – the strong mans favorite meal. High saturated fat in the eggs and zinc in the red meat help produce testosterone.

Liver and onions – Onions contains allicin which helps produce testosterone. Liver contains all kinds of good shit. Warriors of old would often eat the raw liver right out of a fresh kill because it gave them strength. If you don’t like eating liver take some Liver Tabs, one of the only supplements that I spend money on. I love liver tabs, they make me feel strong as an ox in the gym. Jack Lalanne would take up to a hundred a day when he was preparing for his incredible feats of strength and stamina such as towing 70 boats with 70 people on his 70th birthday while handcuffed.

Garlic – Garlic also contains allicin.

Peanuts, Salmon, Coconut oil, olive oil are all rich in good fats.

Cook everything in butter, not margarine.

Eat as naturally as possible. Organic for your fruits and veggies and grass-fed for your red meat if you can afford it.

If you are a vegetarian try to stop being a sissy and eat meat, the diet that Man was designed to eat. How many manly vegetarians have you met? If you’re like me the answer is zero. That’s because they eat low fat, high soy content meals. For God’s sake never eat soy! Soy is estrogen enhancing poison. Don’t believe the government hype that soy is great, soy is cheap and easy to produce and is a government subsidized crop (the other 2, corn and wheat, also should be avoided).

Some other tips to help increase Testosterone naturally

Get a good night’s sleep in a cool, dark room. Sleep at night or else you will mess up your circadian rhythm which leads to decreased T.

Lift weights. Heavy compound exercises produces testosterone naturally. Between 4-8 reps per set is a good goal.

Don’t smoke. Inhibits sexual appetite, probably because you’re constantly sucking on a thin, white phallus.

Don’t drink (or limit alcohol consumption) – Alcohol has been proven to lower testosterone.

Have sex. Frequent sex, especially first thing in the morning, increase T levels. I experimented with celibacy for 8 long months and I could just about feel the testosterone leaving my body.

Live stress free. Easier said than done but stress and worry is a huge testosterone killer. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t change it there is no point in worrying about it

If you’re fat, lose weight. Increased weight leads to higher estrogen levels.

Don’t keep your cell phone in your pocket next to your boys. According to Tim Ferris’ The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman cell phone radiation leads to decreased sperm count and T levels.

Listen to music that pumps you up – Songs that pump you up, pump you up full of testosterone.

Eat your vegetables – Vegetables have been repeatedly demonstrated to raise testosterone and decrease estrogen.

Other Reasons Men Have Low Testosterone

We live in a highly feminized culture where so called femininity is rewarded and masculinity is punished. A generation of Men raised by women doesn’t know how to be masculine. The irony is that women are becoming much more masculine and men are becoming more feminine. Don’t believe your masculinity is wrong and don’t believe the feminist misandrous propaganda. You are a Man and it’s ok to act like one. Never let Women boss you around, and they will if you let them, it has a feminizing effect on you. Studies show that married men lose Testosterone as well, probably from all the nagging and order-giving. If you must get married, find a feminine (not feminist) woman, she will be the yin to your yang.

Turn off the Television. TV is nothing more than a brainwashing machine and it’s telling you that women are always right and Men are always wrong and always to blame. Ignore the media.

Original Article

Sunday 11 2022

How to Destroy your Destructive Habits

 Note: This article is originally written by Derrek from manofvigor blog.

We all have habits we want to lose. Though we try again and again it often just doesn’t work – we quickly return to our old habits.

  But why?

Well, today I’m gonna settle it once and for all – because I just had a small epiphany.

  It all started when I reread some old stuff I wrote down years ago in one of my notebooks.One of the things that struck me was the following:

“If you want to change your behavior long term you need to go through an identity shift.” When it comes to demolishing destructive habits (and replace them with empowering ones) we need to realize there are 3 levels of understanding:

We can have an Intellectual understanding – no change in behavior at all

We can have an Emotional understanding – short term changes in behavior

We can have an Identity shift -long term changes in behavior

  In an intellectual understanding your mind recognizes discrepancies in your behavior but it simply doesn’t care. Having an intellectual understanding means nothing.

  For example: I can intellectually read a warning on a pack of cigarettes but choose to ignore it.

  Having an emotional understanding is a lot more powerful than having an intellectual understanding. It means that you have an emotional attachment to certain behaviors – which can change in the blink of an eye.

  For example: The doctor tells you that because of your smoking habit your lungs are only functioning at 40%. BAM IN YOUR FACE. Now I got a negative emotional attachment to this bad habit.

  But I can also have positive emotional attachments to smoking.

  Perhaps I feel like a young James Dean when I light up a cigeratte. If that’s the case – what are the chances of me not smoking again you think ? Probably pretty slim. After all, it makes me feel good.

  This is why changing habits is so difficult – we either have an intellectual understanding or an emotional attachment to good and bad behaviors which only result in short-term changes.

  So how do we give the finger to bad habits and replace them with good ones for good?

By having an identity shift.

  An identity shift means that (new) behaviors become part of you. It’s no longer something youdo. It’s something you are.

  A smoker who is trying to quit will say:

No thanks mate, I’m good (struggling) – I’m trying to quit smoking!

  But a person who never smoked or gave up the habit for good will say:

No thanks. I don’t smoke.

  That’s a HUGE difference in terms of thinking. And we have millions of small identities attached to all sorts of things we do.

  For example:

Do you go on a diet or are you a health freak?

  Do you go to the gym or are you a fitness enthusiast?

  Do you date women or are you a player?

  Do you dress nice or do you consider yourself a man of great taste and style?

  Do you work hard or are you a hard dedicated worker?

  Do you please women or are you a sex god?

  Do you feel awkward socially or do you consider yourself an introvert?

    Questions like this might seem trivial and simple but I challenge you right here and now to think about these things because they will have a massive impact on your psychology and therefore your actions and your reality.

  Below are some of my old identities that, looking back, I definitely changed in the past couple of years even before learning about all this stuff. On the right side you can see what I replaced them with:

  I’m a crazy party guy → I don’t drink.

  I enjoy an occassional smoke → I’m a non-smoker.

  I’m an aspiring entrepreneur → I am a young entrepreneur.

  I like working out → The Gym is my Temple.

  I chase skirt → I’m a player.

  I like healthy foods → I’m a nutritional nazi.

  I like adventure → I’m a bit of a badboy.

  I’m a bit weird at times → I’m one step ahead of the curve.

  I’m lost → Life is a journey.

  Again, it can be anything. These are just some examples of small identity-shifts I made that all resulted in huge changes in my life. It will do the same for you

  What are some of your old identities and with what will you be replacing them with? Share them in the comment section below and destroy your destructive behaviors and self-sabotaging once and for all!

  “I think pimp – therefore I am, pimp. 

Kat Williams

  Original Article