Saturday 10 2022

Master Red’s Harem

Master Red is a warrior, and in addition, he has a harem of women who attend to his needs with care, enthusiasm, and an appropriate attitude (though not necessarily modesty in dress). Master Red has successfully led his harem and has come to realize the qualities that any woman, in his harem or otherwise, should possess for a harem to be successful.

The first quality is integrity, which is a more complex form of honesty and self-esteem. The second quality is flexibility, which means that any woman who should be in his harem needs to be understanding and adaptable because various situations can arise in a harem.

Another quality a woman should have is the capacity to give. A woman who is willing to give is also willing to be led. She is not rigid in her beliefs but is open and flexible about giving herself up to a bigger mission, which, in Master Red's case, is to be a mother or a divine huntress that protects the forest, also known as home, from harm.

Young men, do not be fooled by beauty, for it can also be a beast. I say this because some of you may not understand the female nature, the female social matrix, or how a woman works in general. But if you do understand them, Master Red has no further words for you. Instead, his words are aimed at the young men who do not understand them.

Young man, remember, and do not be dismayed. I am currently preparing a thesis, a body of work that I will introduce to you so that you, too, may learn about the female, her nature, and her social matrix.

There is a story which I will paraphrase about Hercules and two women, one considered vice and the other considered virtue. Virtue spoke to Hercules about toil, passion, reason, and will, while vice spoke of comfort and sloth.

 According to the story, Virtue and Vice approach Hercules and each try to persuade him to follow their path. Virtue speaks to Hercules about the virtues of toil, passion, reason, and will, while Vice speaks of the comforts of sloth and pleasure. In the end, Hercules chooses to follow Virtue and her path of hard work and self-discipline.

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