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Friday 04 2023

What a King Ought To Be!

A King Ought To Be Brave: 

A king must be brave in order to protect his people and his kingdom from danger.

A King Ought To Be Wise: 

A king must be wise in order to make sound decisions that will benefit his people.

A King Ought To Be Just: 

A king must be just in order to ensure that his people are treated fairly.

A King Ought To Be Charismatic: 

A king must be charismatic in order to inspire his people and rally them to his cause.

A King Ought To Be Strong: 

A king must be strong, mentally, spiritually, and physically in order to lead his people through difficult times.

A King Ought To Be Compassionate: 

A king must be compassionate in order to care for his people and their needs.

A King Ought To Be Honest: 

A king must have integrity in order to be trusted by his people.

With that said here are a few other characteristics that a King may to possess. 

Decisiveness: A king must be able to make quick and decisive decisions, even in difficult circumstances.

Vision: A king must have a vision for the future of his kingdom and be able to inspire his people to achieve it.

Leadership: A king must be a strong leader who can motivate and inspire his people.

Communication: A king must be able to communicate effectively with his people, both in person and through other means.

Humility: A king must be humble and not let his power go to his head.

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