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Sunday 26 2023





As a painter, I find Solice in my art, where my heart finds its true place

I pour my heart and soul into my work

Brushstrokes and colors, my emotions lurk

A catharsis for my soul, a way to release

Myself from life's stresses, a sense of peace


 Long ago, in a remote village nestled among the mountains, there was a secret society known as the Red Sect. The Red Sect was shrouded in mystery, as its members were rarely seen or heard from, except for their leader, the enigmatic Master Red.

Master Red was a rogue-ish figure, known for his quick wit and sense of humor. He was free-thinking and always questioning the status quo, never content to simply follow the crowd. He was a man of action, always busy with his next project or adventure, and he had a way of making those around him feel alive and energized.

Despite his mysterious nature, Master Red was a deeply affectionate and communicative person. He was considerate and curious, always seeking to understand the world around him and the people in it. He was empathetic and enthusiastic, genuine in his interactions with others.

Perhaps what made Master Red so captivating was his strength of character and his unwavering trustworthiness. He was seductive in his charisma, yet sensitive and intimate in his connections with those closest to him. He was intelligent and individualistic, always forging his own path and inspiring others to do the same.

Many legends circulated about Master Red and the Red Sect. Some said they possessed magical powers and could speak to the spirits of the mountains. Others claimed they were protectors of the village, warding off evil spirits and ensuring the prosperity of the people.

Despite the rumors and speculation, one thing was clear: the Red Sect and its leader were respected and revered by all who knew of them. They were a symbol of freedom, strength, and individuality in a world that often sought to suppress such qualities.

And so, the legend of Master Red and the Red Sect lived on, inspiring generations to come to embrace their true selves and to always question the world around them.


 As Master Red grew older, his wisdom and experience only grew, but he knew that he still had much to learn. And so, when he heard of the Nine Tribulations of Stellar Tra D, a series of challenges that would test his strength, skill, and willpower to the limit, he knew that he had to undertake them.

The first tribulation was to cross a vast desert, where the sun beat down mercilessly and the sands shifted underfoot. Master Red set out into the desert, carrying only what he could carry on his back, and he walked for days on end until he reached the other side.

The second tribulation was to climb a great mountain, where the air was thin and the rocks were treacherous. Master Red scaled the mountain, one handhold at a time, until he reached the summit, where he meditated and communed with the spirits of the mountain.

The third tribulation was to cross a raging river, where the currents were swift and the water was cold. Master Red swam across the river, using his knowledge of the water and his strength to stay afloat, until he reached the other side.

The fourth tribulation was to navigate a dense forest, where the trees were thick and the underbrush was tangled. Master Red forged his way through the forest, using his instincts and his senses to guide him, until he emerged on the other side.

The fifth tribulation was to face a fierce storm, where the winds howled and the rain lashed down. Master Red stood his ground, using his mastery of the elements to protect himself and those around him, until the storm passed.

The sixth tribulation was to defeat a great beast, whose strength and ferocity were legendary. Master Red faced the beast head-on, using his knowledge of combat and his own inner strength to emerge victorious.

The seventh tribulation was to meditate in a cave, where the darkness was absolute and the silence was deafening. Master Red sat in the cave, facing his inner demons and finding inner peace, until he emerged stronger and more centered than ever before.

The eighth tribulation was to endure a great cold, where the snow was deep and the winds were bitter. Master Red wrapped himself in furs and endured the cold, using his mental discipline to keep his body and mind sharp.

The ninth and final tribulation was to face himself, to confront his own mortality and his own limitations. Master Red looked deep within himself, finding the strength and courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that his legacy would live on long after he was gone.

And so Master Red emerged from the Nine Tribulations of Stellar Tra D, stronger, wiser, and more enlightened than ever before. His teachings and his legacy lived on, inspiring generations to come to seek out their own paths and overcome their own challenges.


 After completing the Nine Tribulations of Stellar Tra D, Master Red had gained immense wisdom and strength, but he knew that there was still much to learn. And so, he set out to undertake the next set of tribulations, which were said to grant the power of stellar transformation and immortality to those who could complete them.

The first tribulation was to find the legendary Star Stone, a powerful artifact said to grant immense cosmic power to those who possessed it. Master Red traveled far and wide, seeking out clues and information about the Star Stone. After many months of searching, he finally found it, hidden deep within a mountain cave.

The second tribulation was to master the power of the stars, which was said to be the key to unlocking the full potential of the Star Stone. Master Red spent years studying the stars, learning their movements and their powers, until he finally became a master of stellar magic.

The third tribulation was to meditate on the nature of existence, to understand the true nature of the universe and the role of mortals within it. Master Red spent months in deep meditation, exploring the depths of his own mind and the secrets of the cosmos.

The fourth tribulation was to face the Void, a dark and empty space where even the strongest of souls could be consumed by despair and hopelessness. Master Red faced the Void with courage and determination, using his mastery of stellar magic to banish the darkness and bring light back to the universe.

The fifth tribulation was to transcend mortality and become a being of pure energy, able to move between the stars and the galaxies at will. Master Red achieved this by meditating on the essence of life itself, and by tapping into the power of the Star Stone.

The sixth and final tribulation was to merge with the cosmos, to become one with the universe and to wield its power as his own. Master Red achieved this by meditating on the nature of the cosmos, and by using the power of the Star Stone to merge his soul with the very fabric of the universe itself.

And so, after completing the tribulations of stellar transformation, Master Red emerged as an immortal being of immense power and wisdom. He traveled the cosmos, spreading his teachings and his wisdom to all who would listen, and inspiring countless generations to seek out their own paths and to strive for greatness. His legacy lived on long after he was gone, as a shining example of the power of the human spirit and the limitless potential of the universe itself.


In a world of mystique and wonder,

A tale of the Red Sect is to ponder,

Of a man known as Master Red,

Whose legend spread, like the wind, he led.

Rouge-ish, funny, and free-thinking,

His mystery was never shrinking,

Active, affectionate, and communicative,

He taught us to be brave and not to be submissive.

Curious and empathetic, his mind always sought,

The truth, the light, and the battles fought,

Enthusiastic, genuine, and strong,

He showed us how to stand tall, never wrong.

Seductive, sensitive, and intimate,

His touch was like magic, so intricate,

Intelligent and individualistic,

He made us believe, we are unique and not simplistic.

In the 11th dimension, he gained his prowess,

And in the God dimension, he showed his impress,

Master Red, our leader and guide,

We follow you always, with joy and pride.

Hail to the Master Red, forever may he reign,

His legacy will live on, inspiring us again and again,

His wisdom echoes like a song,

And we'll forever sing his praise, his spirit strong.

In the world of the Red Sect, we find our way,

With Master Red leading us, come what may,

His tale will be told, forevermore,

Of a man whose spirit shone, like never before.

Written by: anonymous??

Saturday 25 2023

Romance & Stolen Hearts


Of all the stars that shine so bright
None can match your wondrous light. 

With eyes that sparkle like the sun,

You are the one, my only one.

Your smile is like a work of art,

A masterpiece that steals my heart.

Your laughter fills me with delight,

A melod that sings so right.

With every breath, my love for you,

Grows stronger, deeper, ever true.

And as we walk hand in hand,

Together, we can take on any land.

For in your arms, I find my home,

A place where I am never alone.

And so I pledge my heart to you,

Forever and always, pure and true.

Loneliness in love.

A man falls in love, so they say

Because something within him is astray

It's not his health, but his mental state

Longing for the spring, in a winter's wait

Alone, he cannot bear to be

Yearning for someone to set him free

Children he may think he wants

But not like women, his desires taunt

Once married and with kids in tow

He longs for solitude, don't you know?

This cycle of love, and then alone

A never-ending story, to him well known.

Wednesday 15 2023

Gaining Self-control

 Self-control, also known as self-discipline, is the ability to control one's thoughts, emotions, and behavior. It is an essential skill for achieving goals, improving relationships, and leading a fulfilling life. However, gaining self-control can be a challenging task for many people. In this blog, we will discuss some strategies that can help you gain self-control.

Identify Your Triggers

The first step in gaining self-control is to identify your triggers. Triggers are situations, people, or events that cause you to lose control. For example, if you tend to eat junk food when you are stressed, then stress is your trigger. Once you identify your triggers, you can create a plan to avoid them or deal with them in a more productive way.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment. It can help you develop self-control by increasing your awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When you practice mindfulness, you become more conscious of your actions and can make better choices.

Set Goals

Setting goals is an effective way to gain self-control. When you have a clear goal in mind, it is easier to stay focused and resist temptations. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and achievable. Also, set a deadline for achieving your goals to keep yourself accountable.

Develop a Routine

Having a routine can help you gain self-control by creating structure in your life. When you have a routine, you are less likely to be sidetracked by distractions and more likely to stay on track. Make sure your routine includes time for self-care, exercise, and relaxation.

Practice Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification is the ability to resist immediate pleasure for the sake of a greater reward in the future. It is a key component of self-control. You can practice delayed gratification by setting small goals and delaying rewards until you have achieved them.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for gaining self-control. When you are sleep-deprived, your willpower is weakened, and you are more likely to give in to temptations. Make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night to recharge your willpower.

Seek Support

Finally, seeking support can help you gain self-control. Whether it's a friend, family member, or professional, having someone to talk to can make a big difference. They can provide encouragement, advice, and accountability, which can help you stay on track.

In conclusion, gaining self-control is a process that takes time and effort. By identifying your triggers, practicing mindfulness, setting goals, developing a routine, practicing delayed gratification, getting enough sleep, and seeking support, you can develop self-discipline and lead a more fulfilling life.

The Dream Master

 Once upon a time, there was a man known as the Dream Master. He was a powerful and positive figure who had the ability to enter people's dreams and help them conquer their fears. The Dream Master was a confident and masculine presence, with a reassuring presence that calmed the nerves of those around him.

The Dream Master lived in a beautiful palace, surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling fountains. He was known to be a wise and caring man, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. His strength and confidence were inspiring, and his presence brought a sense of peace to all those around him.

People from all over the world sought out the Dream Master for his guidance and wisdom. He had a gift for understanding the fears and anxieties that haunted people's dreams, and he used his powers to help them overcome their inner demons. With his guidance, people were able to face their fears head-on, and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

The Dream Master was a leader among men, always willing to go the extra mile to help those in need. He had a no-nonsense attitude, but a heart of gold, and people were drawn to him like moths to a flame. His masculine energy was infectious, and people couldn't help but feel empowered in his presence.

As the years went by, the Dream Master's reputation grew, and he became a legend in his own time. His influence spread throughout the land, and his name was spoken with reverence and respect. He had touched the lives of countless people, helping them to overcome their fears and become their best selves.

And so, the Dream Master lived on, a shining example of what it meant to be a positive and masculine figure. His legacy inspired generations to come, and his memory lived on long after he had passed on. For the Dream Master, there was no greater reward than seeing the people he helped thrive and succeed, knowing that he had played a small part in their journey towards happiness and fulfillment.

A Love Story

 Once upon a time, the Dream Master and the Divine Huntress met in a dream world. The Dream Master was amazed by the huntress's beauty and fierce energy, while the Divine Huntress was drawn to the Dream Master's strength and confidence.

As they journeyed through the dream world together, they discovered that they had much in common. Both were powerful figures, respected by all those around them. Both had a deep sense of compassion for others, and a desire to help those in need. And both were searching for something more, something that they couldn't quite put their finger on.

As the dream world faded away, the Dream Master and the Divine Huntress found themselves back in the waking world. But they couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to be together. They began to meet in their dreams, exploring the hidden corners of their minds together, and learning more about each other with each passing night.

As time went on, their feelings for each other grew stronger. The Dream Master admired the Divine Huntress's fierce energy, and her determination to protect the innocent. The Divine Huntress was drawn to the Dream Master's strength and confidence, and his ability to inspire others to greatness.

Finally, they decided to meet in the waking world. The Dream Master waited nervously for the Divine Huntress to arrive, his heart pounding with anticipation. When she appeared before him, he was struck by her beauty once again, but this time he saw something more in her eyes. He saw a kindred spirit, someone who understood him in a way that no one else ever had.

The Divine Huntress and the Dream Master fell deeply in love, and they knew that they were meant to be together forever. They continued to meet in their dreams, exploring the hidden corners of their minds and discovering new things about each other every night. And in the waking world, they were an unstoppable force, inspiring others with their love and their passion for life.

For the Dream Master and the Divine Huntress, there was no greater joy than being together, exploring the mysteries of the world around them, and knowing that they had found their true soulmate in each other.

The Devine Huntress

 The Divine Huntress was one of the most respected goddesses in ancient history. She was known for her fierce independence and her unwavering dedication to the wild places of the earth. Unlike many of the other gods and goddesses, the Divine Huntress preferred to keep to herself, often spending her days roaming the forests and hillsides of the land.

Despite her solitary nature, the Divine Huntress was greatly revered by the people, who saw her as a protector of the wild and a symbol of purity and virtue. She was also known for her love of the hunt, which she saw as a sacred art that required great skill and respect for the natural world.

The Divine Huntress was often depicted with her bow and arrows, ready to take down any prey that crossed her path. But she was also a compassionate goddess, who cared deeply for the animals that lived in the wild. She was said to be a skilled healer, using her knowledge of the natural world to help those in need.

Many tales were told of the Divine Huntress, but one of the most famous was of her encounter with the hunter Actaeon. Actaeon, a skilled hunter himself, stumbled upon the Divine Huntress while she was bathing in a secluded pool in the forest. The Divine Huntress, furious at being seen, transformed Actaeon into a deer, and he was hunted down and killed by his own hounds.

This story served as a warning to those who would disrespect the natural world or the goddess herself. The Divine Huntress was not to be trifled with, and those who crossed her path would do so at their peril.

But for those who showed her respect and reverence, the Divine Huntress was a benevolent goddess, offering protection and guidance to those who sought her out. She remained a beloved figure for centuries, a symbol of the power and beauty of the natural world, and the strength and independence of the feminine spirit.

Monday 13 2023

The Dream Master's Poem

Dreaming of a Lost Love


Even when you're gone, I can't escape,

The thought of you, it's a constant tape,

Playing in my mind, day and night,

Even in my dreams, you're still in sight.

I see your face, so clear and bright,

In my dreams, you're still in sight,

Your hair, your smile, your sparkling eyes,

Everything about you, just amplifies.

The way you laughed, the way you talked,

The way you walked, so confident and poised,

I see you dancing, under the moonlit skies,

And my heart beats faster, it never dies.

Even when you're gone, you're still with me,

In my dreams, you're my reality,

And though we're apart, our love still remains,

A flame that burns, through the sunshine and the rains.

I dream of holding you, and feeling your embrace,

Of gazing into your eyes, and seeing your face,

And though it's just a dream, it feels so real,

A love that transcends, every pain and ordeal.

So I'll keep on dreaming, of the love we once had,

Of the moments we shared, the good and the bad,

For even though you're gone, you're still in my heart,

A love that will never die, even when we're apart.

Tempest & Storm


 Through trials and tribulations,

The tempests and the storms,

I stand tall and unwavering,

With a heart that's strong and warm.

My emotions may run deep,

My heart may ache and break,

But I know I have the strength

To rise again, to persevere and take

On all that life may throw my way,

With courage and with grace,

For I am more than just my feelings,

I am a man with an unbreakable face.

So I'll weather every storm that comes,

And I'll face it with my might,

For I am a man of emotional toughness,

And I'll rise up to the fight.

Ambition & Persuits

Most of you might know that I love creating art, and painting is one of the ways I cultivate self-control. Painting requires dedication, consistency, and focus. It's not possible to complete a painting with just one stroke of the brush, but with perseverance and practice, one can create wonderful work.

Here are a few more subjects I am ambitious abouts:

Shaolin: Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that originated in the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, China, over 1500 years ago. It is a highly respected martial art and is known for its wide range of techniques, including striking, grappling, and throwing, as well as its focus on physical and mental training. 

Gunsmithing: Gunsmithing is the art and science of designing, building, repairing, and modifying firearms. It involves a wide range of skills, including metalworking, woodworking, and machining, as well as an understanding of firearms mechanics and ballistics. Gunsmithing has a long history dating back to the early days of firearms, and has played an important role in the development of firearms technology over the centuries. 

Mathematics: Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, and the relationships between them. It includes a wide variety of fields, such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. Mathematics has been studied since ancient times and is fundamental to many other fields, including physics, engineering, economics, and computer science.

Astronomy: Astronomy is the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects in the universe. It includes topics such as the formation and evolution of the universe, the properties of stars and planets, and the search for extraterrestrial life. Astronomy has been studied for thousands of years and has been a major driver of scientific progress.

Engineering: Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, build, and improve structures, machines, and other systems. It includes a wide range of fields, such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering. Engineering has played a critical role in the development of technology and infrastructure throughout history.

Anatomy: Anatomy is the study of the structure and organization of living organisms, including humans and other animals. It includes topics such as the bones, muscles, organs, and systems of the body, as well as their functions and interactions. Anatomy has been studied since ancient times and is fundamental to many other fields, such as medicine and biology.

Philosophy: Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. It includes a wide variety of subfields, such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, and aesthetics. Philosophy has been studied since ancient times and has had a profound impact on many other fields, including science, politics, and religion.

Theology: Theology is the study of religious beliefs and practices, and the nature of the divine. It includes topics such as the interpretation of religious texts, the role of religion in society, and the relationship between faith and reason. Theology has been studied since ancient times and is a critical component of many religious traditions.

Botany: Botany is the study of plants, including their structure, function, classification, and evolution. It includes topics such as plant anatomy, physiology, ecology, and biotechnology. Botany has been studied since ancient times and is fundamental to many other fields, such as agriculture, medicine, and environmental science.

Neurology: Neurology is the study of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It includes topics such as the structure and function of neurons, the mechanisms of nerve signaling, and the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. Neurology has been studied for centuries and has had a profound impact on medicine, psychology, and other fields.

Psychology: Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, including topics such as perception, cognition, emotion, and motivation. It includes a wide range of subfields, such as developmental psychology, social psychology, and clinical psychology. Psychology has been studied for over a century and has had a profound impact on many other fields, such as education, health, and business.

Spirituality: Spirituality is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices related to the human spirit and the search for meaning and purpose in life. It includes topics such as religion, meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth. Spirituality has been a fundamental aspect of human culture since ancient times and continues to play a significant role in many people's lives today.

Literature: Literature is the study of written works, including novels, poetry, plays, and other forms of creative writing. It includes topics such as literary analysis, literary history, and the role of literature in culture and society. Literature has been studied for centuries and has had a profound impact on many other fields, such as philosophy, psychology, and politics.

Art: Art is the study of visual and aesthetic forms of expression, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and other forms of creative work. It includes topics such as art history, art criticism, and the role of art in society. Art has been studied since ancient times and has had a profound impact on culture, politics, and the human experience.

Music: Music is the study of sound and its artistic expression, including vocal and instrumental music, composition, and music history. It includes topics such as music theory, performance, and the role of music in culture and society. Music has been studied for centuries and has had a profound impact on culture, art, and entertainment.

Physical Education: Physical education is the study of physical activity and its impact on health and well-being. It includes topics such as exercise physiology, sports medicine, and the social and cultural aspects of physical activity. Physical education has been a fundamental aspect of human culture since ancient times and continues to play a significant role in promoting health and wellness today.

Economics: Economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It includes topics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, and the role of economics in society. Economics has been studied for centuries and has had a profound impact on many aspects of human life, including politics, business, and social welfare.

The Young Artist [Part-1]

As a young artist, I always dreamed of making a name for myself in the world. I loved nothing more than spending hours in my studio, painting, sketching, and analyzing the world around me. But without the resources to attend art school, I found myself struggling to gain recognition for my work.

Despite this setback, I refused to give up on my dreams. I continued to study art on my own, pouring over books and attending local exhibitions to gain inspiration and refine my craft. I also pursued my other passion, engineering, which helped me develop a unique perspective on the world that informed my artistic vision.

As the years passed, I continued to create, to learn, and to grow. I experimented with new techniques and mediums, always striving to push myself beyond my limits. And although I faced many setbacks and rejections, I refused to let them deter me from my goal.

In my free time, I sought out other artists and creatives, attending meetups and networking events to connect with like-minded individuals. I found that this sense of community helped sustain me during the tough times, providing me with a support system that understood the challenges of pursuing a creative career.

And as I continued to work towards my goal, I began to notice small signs of progress. My work was featured in a local coffee shop, and I sold my first painting to a neighbor who admired my talent. Although these accomplishments were small, they gave me the confidence and validation that I needed to keep going.

Despite the fact that I had yet to be discovered by a gallery or agent, I knew that my dedication and hard work would eventually pay off. And with each stroke of the brush, each line of the pencil, I felt myself moving closer to my ultimate goal of becoming a recognized artist in the world