Monday 23 2024

The Emperor's Pill


I was reading works by Julian, an ancient Emperor from Rome. Julian wrote a panegyric dedicated to Constantius who helped put Julian in Caesership (355 A.D) whilst simultaneously ending the Constantii era. Julian has been praised by many before us including men like Libanius and Eunapius.

Julian went into power with Tarsus, his pages are crowded with echoes of Homer, Demosthenes, Plato, and Isocrates, and his style is interwoven with half verses, phrases, and whole sentences taken without acknowledgment from the Greek masterpieces.

Why Julian?

Julian was a man with a mission, he fought for tradition, he never put his woman first, he was a high value man who dared to think his own thoughts, he valued wisdom and justice, won wars whilst bearing arms side by side with his men, thus proving himself courageous, and in my opinion, Alpha. According to history, Julian replaced courtiers and eunuchs with sophists and philosophers, and trained daily that he may participate in campaigns around the world. History reports that Julian carried his books with him during campaigns which in some cases turned into skirmishes. Julian spoke of wisdom and thus as a student of life I praise his deeds, I can say he is a person of wisdom, worthy of my honor and praise. His works, apart from Marcus Aurelius and other famous Emperors, are part of the few works that survived through history. Julian's writings are proof of the wisdom he claimed we ought to possess. My quick study of Julian's panegyric revealed to me his character, and according to translations of his panegyric in honor of Constantius, Julian believed that virtue should be the highest concern any thinking man should set his thoughts upon. In his praises of Constantius courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom were virtues he mentioned in praise of Constantius.

The Emperor's Pill

As I mentioned above Julian mentioned Courage, Justice, Temperance and Wisdom and other concepts relating to nobility. According to myself, nobility, is what the Red Pill seeks to create in us as well. The Red pill assists us in creating the ultimate man, a man of prowess, vigor, valor, power and knowledge, and according to Julian, a man of Courage, Temperance, Justice and Wisdom. As Julian's panegyric continues, he reveals his predecessor's ways, saying that; "your exercises must be military and of many kinds, dancing and running in heavy armour, and riding". Although this is not much to go on, it reveals to us that Julian valued martial valor and I believe the Red pill values valor as well, thus, the Emperor's Pill.

What is the Emperor's Pill

As an older student of the Red Pill University, I can not tell you how many times I have heard my brothers tell a young student of the university to either lift weights or take self-defense classes to boost his SMV and survivability skills. Subsequently, my praise of Julian's appreciation of Constantius', consistency, endurance, wisdom, and zeal, is a sign that I resonate with these values as well. Therefore Courage, Justice, Wisdom and Temperance are, according to me, the Emperor's Pill.

I. Courage

II. Justice

III. Temperance

IV. Wisdom

Julian further proves that he is an Alpha male by writing humorous orations that lack soy. Instead of asking how to bed more women or other voicing concerns the unwise may ask, he, on the other hand, was heard saying; "what sensible man would deny that virtue is of all things the most beautiful?" Or "Ye must aspire to virtue and eschew evil.”

I knew a man who associated virtue with Beta males, yet Julian has proven that this association may actually be false because Julian, as I have alluded, is a man remembered for winning four campaigns against the Alemanis and the Franks, and according to history, Julian died in battle. Therefore he was not only a man of virtue but a brave warrior as well.

Do I dare to be first?

Many a young men come to the Manosphere with unique concerns, and rarely do I hear or see the word virtue used as part of our brother's words of advice. Do I dare to be first? Of course I do, Elliott Hulse is one of the few voices talking about virtue saying that the days of the relationship chasing red piller are over. Anyone who has truly consumed the red pill knows that, this goes deeper than women. According to myself, the ultimate pill is self-actualization, beyond game and lifting (although they are important), the highest aim of the red pill is to create stronger, more capable men (and women), to create Emperors and revive a dying sport.

Julian's four virtues may just be the answer the red pill needs. I mean, true Alphas (bulls or wolves) are Brave, Temperate, Just, and always learn and adapt under new circumstances, thus becoming Wiser.

Taking the Red Pill has exposed me to the intellectual analysis of "The Matrix" and one analysis that I came across, postulates that, in this world, there are Humantons and, there are Matrix Warriors.

Humatons are subjects and objects of the Matrix, unintelligent and lacking in self-actualization. Matrix Warriors are on the other hand, intelligence and self-actualized will. Subsequently, Julian, in my opinion was intelligent, and he can be said to be a Matrix warrior.

Therefore, if I ought to become a master through the Red Pill University, I too should be just, courageous, temperate, and wise. That I maybe able to fight like an Emperor, speak in valorous tones, eat temperately, and die bravely.


As we conclude I want to remind you that, eschewing evil demands bravery and strength. One can not simply overcome evil, without sound judgment or a temperate heart. Thus I recommend that from youth all men should train as though to prepare for war, they should study history that they may know how to repeat it, study the ancients that they may be wise, and work daily to improve themselves by writing and reading like the ancients did.

Julian further says that "All these you have continued from early youth to practice at the right time, and in every exercise you have attained to greater perfection than any other hoplite." Once again Julian is showing us that although perfection is seen as impossible, it still ought to be our aim as men of noble and wise thoughts, and this

 further shows his warrior mentality.
