Monday 23 2024

The Emperor's Pill


I was reading works by Julian, an ancient Emperor from Rome. Julian wrote a panegyric dedicated to Constantius who helped put Julian in Caesership (355 A.D) whilst simultaneously ending the Constantii era. Julian has been praised by many before us including men like Libanius and Eunapius.

Julian went into power with Tarsus, his pages are crowded with echoes of Homer, Demosthenes, Plato, and Isocrates, and his style is interwoven with half verses, phrases, and whole sentences taken without acknowledgment from the Greek masterpieces.

Why Julian?

Julian was a man with a mission, he fought for tradition, he never put his woman first, he was a high value man who dared to think his own thoughts, he valued wisdom and justice, won wars whilst bearing arms side by side with his men, thus proving himself courageous, and in my opinion, Alpha. According to history, Julian replaced courtiers and eunuchs with sophists and philosophers, and trained daily that he may participate in campaigns around the world. History reports that Julian carried his books with him during campaigns which in some cases turned into skirmishes. Julian spoke of wisdom and thus as a student of life I praise his deeds, I can say he is a person of wisdom, worthy of my honor and praise. His works, apart from Marcus Aurelius and other famous Emperors, are part of the few works that survived through history. Julian's writings are proof of the wisdom he claimed we ought to possess. My quick study of Julian's panegyric revealed to me his character, and according to translations of his panegyric in honor of Constantius, Julian believed that virtue should be the highest concern any thinking man should set his thoughts upon. In his praises of Constantius courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom were virtues he mentioned in praise of Constantius.

The Emperor's Pill

As I mentioned above Julian mentioned Courage, Justice, Temperance and Wisdom and other concepts relating to nobility. According to myself, nobility, is what the Red Pill seeks to create in us as well. The Red pill assists us in creating the ultimate man, a man of prowess, vigor, valor, power and knowledge, and according to Julian, a man of Courage, Temperance, Justice and Wisdom. As Julian's panegyric continues, he reveals his predecessor's ways, saying that; "your exercises must be military and of many kinds, dancing and running in heavy armour, and riding". Although this is not much to go on, it reveals to us that Julian valued martial valor and I believe the Red pill values valor as well, thus, the Emperor's Pill.

What is the Emperor's Pill

As an older student of the Red Pill University, I can not tell you how many times I have heard my brothers tell a young student of the university to either lift weights or take self-defense classes to boost his SMV and survivability skills. Subsequently, my praise of Julian's appreciation of Constantius', consistency, endurance, wisdom, and zeal, is a sign that I resonate with these values as well. Therefore Courage, Justice, Wisdom and Temperance are, according to me, the Emperor's Pill.

I. Courage

II. Justice

III. Temperance

IV. Wisdom

Julian further proves that he is an Alpha male by writing humorous orations that lack soy. Instead of asking how to bed more women or other voicing concerns the unwise may ask, he, on the other hand, was heard saying; "what sensible man would deny that virtue is of all things the most beautiful?" Or "Ye must aspire to virtue and eschew evil.”

I knew a man who associated virtue with Beta males, yet Julian has proven that this association may actually be false because Julian, as I have alluded, is a man remembered for winning four campaigns against the Alemanis and the Franks, and according to history, Julian died in battle. Therefore he was not only a man of virtue but a brave warrior as well.

Do I dare to be first?

Many a young men come to the Manosphere with unique concerns, and rarely do I hear or see the word virtue used as part of our brother's words of advice. Do I dare to be first? Of course I do, Elliott Hulse is one of the few voices talking about virtue saying that the days of the relationship chasing red piller are over. Anyone who has truly consumed the red pill knows that, this goes deeper than women. According to myself, the ultimate pill is self-actualization, beyond game and lifting (although they are important), the highest aim of the red pill is to create stronger, more capable men (and women), to create Emperors and revive a dying sport.

Julian's four virtues may just be the answer the red pill needs. I mean, true Alphas (bulls or wolves) are Brave, Temperate, Just, and always learn and adapt under new circumstances, thus becoming Wiser.

Taking the Red Pill has exposed me to the intellectual analysis of "The Matrix" and one analysis that I came across, postulates that, in this world, there are Humantons and, there are Matrix Warriors.

Humatons are subjects and objects of the Matrix, unintelligent and lacking in self-actualization. Matrix Warriors are on the other hand, intelligence and self-actualized will. Subsequently, Julian, in my opinion was intelligent, and he can be said to be a Matrix warrior.

Therefore, if I ought to become a master through the Red Pill University, I too should be just, courageous, temperate, and wise. That I maybe able to fight like an Emperor, speak in valorous tones, eat temperately, and die bravely.


As we conclude I want to remind you that, eschewing evil demands bravery and strength. One can not simply overcome evil, without sound judgment or a temperate heart. Thus I recommend that from youth all men should train as though to prepare for war, they should study history that they may know how to repeat it, study the ancients that they may be wise, and work daily to improve themselves by writing and reading like the ancients did.

Julian further says that "All these you have continued from early youth to practice at the right time, and in every exercise you have attained to greater perfection than any other hoplite." Once again Julian is showing us that although perfection is seen as impossible, it still ought to be our aim as men of noble and wise thoughts, and this

 further shows his warrior mentality.


Thursday 14 2024

Unveiling Masculine Mastery: A Personal Development Journey Through the 48 Laws of Power


Embarking on a journey of personal development and mastering the essence of masculinity requires a strategic approach. Drawing inspiration from Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power," we explore how these laws can be applied to cultivate personal growth and masculine mastery. Let's delve into a roadmap that blends ancient wisdom with modern principles for those seeking to navigate the complexities of life and power.

Law 1: Never Outshine the Master

Begin your journey by understanding the subtleties of power dynamics. Strive for excellence but avoid overshadowing those around you. In personal development, this law reminds us to be humble, learn from mentors, and build alliances that elevate everyone.

Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You, but Always Take the Credit

Effective leadership involves delegation and collaboration. Cultivate the skill of leveraging others' strengths while ensuring you receive due recognition. This law teaches the importance of teamwork and strategic delegation in personal and professional pursuits.

Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally

In the realm of personal development, view challenges as adversaries to be overcome. Develop resilience, confront obstacles head-on, and ensure that setbacks don't impede your progress. Crushing your "enemies" translates into overcoming personal hurdles and emerging stronger.

Law 19: Know Who You’re Dealing with – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person

Understanding the people around you is crucial. In personal development, this means recognizing the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence. Building positive relationships and avoiding unnecessary conflicts contribute to your personal growth.

Law 33: Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew

Identify what motivates and drives individuals. In personal development, this law underscores the significance of understanding yourself and others on a deeper level. Recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses allows for strategic self-improvement.

Law 40: Despise the Free Lunch

Value hard work and earned success. In personal development, this law encourages a mindset of self-reliance and the pursuit of goals through dedication and effort. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than seeking shortcuts.

Law 42: Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep Will Scatter

Recognize influential figures in your life and industry. In personal development, this law suggests that by targeting key aspects of your life, such as habits or mindset, you can influence broader positive changes. Identify the root causes to effect meaningful transformation.

Law 48: Assume Formlessness

Adaptability is a cornerstone of personal development. Embrace change, be fluid in your approach to challenges, and avoid becoming rigid. This law encourages continual growth and evolution, vital for mastering the complexities of life.


Embarking on the path of personal development and masculine mastery is an intricate journey that demands both strategic thinking and a commitment to growth. By incorporating these principles inspired by "The 48 Laws of Power," one can navigate the complexities of life, cultivate resilience, and emerge as a master of their own destiny. Remember, the pursuit of personal development is a continuous process, and each law serves as a guiding principle for a life well-lived.

Monday 11 2024

40 Principles Highlighing The Essence of Machiavellian Politics

1. The End Justifies the Means

2. It is Better to Be Feared than Loved

3. Appear Weak When You Are Strong, and Strong When You Are Weak

4. Keep Your Friends Close, but Your Enemies Closer

5. Never Attempt to Win by Force What Can Be Won by Deception

6. Adaptability is Key in Politics

7. Avoid Being in a Position of Vulnerability

8. Understand the Importance of Timing

9. Use Both Honesty and Deception, Depending on the Situation

10. Exploit the Fears and Hopes of the Public

11. Create Divisions Among Your Opponents

12. Maintain a Network of Informants

13. Know When to Be Generous and When to Be Ruthless

14. Don't Hesitate to Break Promises for Strategic Gains

15. Cultivate a Mystique Around Your Persona

16. Perceived Virtue Can Be as Important as Actual Virtue

17. Be Calculating in Your Alliances

18. Mistrust Overly Loyal Followers

19. Use Propaganda to Shape Public Opinion

20. Control Information Flow

21. Avoid Indecision – Act Swiftly and Decisively

22. Don't Underestimate the Power of Symbolism

23. Create a Sense of Inevitability Around Your Rule

24. Encourage Dependency While Maintaining Independence

25. Know When to Display Mercy and When to Punish Severely

26. Exploit the Weaknesses of Rivals

27. Distract from Failures with Spectacles and Events

28. Encourage Fear of the Unknown

29. Pit Rivals Against Each Other

30. Know How to Choose Competent Advisors

31. Use war Strategically, When Necessary

32.*Instill a Sense of Duty and Loyalty in Your Subordinates

33. Keep Your Plans Flexible

34. Create a Sense of Shared Destiny with Your Followers

35. Understand the Importance of Public Perception

36. Maintain a Balance Between Fear and Admiration

37. Don't Expose Your Weaknesses Unnecessarily

38. Ensure Your Authority is Unquestioned

39. Strategic Silence Can Be Powerful

40. Learn from the Mistakes of Others

These principles capture the essence of Machiavellian political strategy. Keep in mind that Machiavellianism is a controversial and debated philosophy, and not everyone agrees with or practices these principles.

Wednesday 29 2023

Belts And Their Ties With Men.

The History of Belts.

Belts have a long history and were likely one of the earliest clothing accessories, although their exact history is challenging to pinpoint; belt have evolved overtime for practical and ornamental purposes. 

Early evidence suggests that ancients such as Africans and Romans, used belts made out of various materials. 

Belts and Their Ties with Masculinity.

Belts have been historically linked to masculinity, serving practical and symbols purposes. 

There are a few aspects that highlight the ties between belts and masculinity such as utility and functionality, serving a cultural significance, serving as a symbol of authority and more. Here are few aspects highlighting the ties between belts and masculinity:

1. Utility and Functionality:

   - Belts have been a practical accessory for holding up trousers, emphasizing their utilitarian role. This practical function aligns with traditional masculine values emphasizing efficiency and functionality in clothing. 

2. Symbol of Authority:

   - In various cultures and historical contexts, belts have been associated with authority and power. For example, military officers, law enforcement, and other authoritative figures often wear belts as part of their uniform, symbolizing command and responsibility.

Service_Dress,Captain Noel Farrow,Canadian Expeditionary Force,1917-Glenbow Museum-DSC00669.JPG

3. Cultural Significance:

   - Belts have cultural significance in different societies, often representing rites of passage or maturity. In some cultures, the transition from boyhood to manhood involves receiving a special belt or sash as a symbolic gesture.

Pictures by Mike Bishop

4. Fashion and Style:

   - Belts contribute to the overall aesthetics of men's fashion, defining the waistline and adding a finishing touch to an outfit. The choice of belt can convey a sense of personal style, with wide, robust belts often associated with a more rugged or masculine look.

5. Sports and Athletics:

   - In sports, particularly martial arts and combat sports, belts are used to signify skill levels and expertise. Different colored belts often represent different stages of proficiency, adding a sense of accomplishment and hierarchy.

6. Emphasis on the Waist:

   - Belts draw attention to the waist, which is traditionally seen as a masculine characteristic in terms of physique. This emphasis on the waist contributes to the perception of a strong and structured silhouette.

Picture by Tiffany Terry

7. Practicality in Accessories:

   - Men's accessories, including belts, are often chosen for their practicality. Belts serve as functional accessories that hold together an outfit while adding a touch of masculinity through their design and materials.

A Man's Belt: Ancient Ties with Masculinity 

Traditional Japanese warriors, samurai, wore a distinctive type of belt known as an "obi." The obi served both practical and symbolic purposes in the samurai's attire. It was a wide sash-like belt that was an integral part of the traditional Japanese armor, securing the various pieces together.

The obi was not only functional but also held cultural significance. Different styles and colors of obi often denoted the wearer's rank, and the way it was tied could signify the occasion or the wearer's role. The art of properly tying the obi, or "musubi," was considered a skill and a part of the samurai's training in etiquette and discipline.

Additionally, in Zulu society, traditional clothing for men includes garments like loincloths, known as "isidwaba," which is secured by a belt. The way in which the belt is worn and its design can convey information about the wearer's age, status, and achievements.

A Man's Belt: Modern Ties with Masculinity

Yes, belts are still linked with masculinity today, and the type, when, why, and how they are worn can convey various messages about style, occasion, and personal expression. Here are some considerations:

1. Type:

- Casual Belts: Worn in everyday settings, casual belts are often made of materials like leather or fabric. They contribute to a laid-back, relaxed style.

- Formal Belts: Typically made of leather and designed to match dress shoes, formal belts are worn in more formal or business settings. They are often narrower and have simpler buckles.

2. When:

- Casual Wear: In casual settings, belts can be worn with jeans, chinos, or shorts. The choice of belt may depend on the overall style of the outfit.

- Formal Wear: With suits or dress pants, a formal belt complements the overall look. It's usually matched with the color and material of the dress shoes.

3. Why:

- Practicality: Belts serve the practical purpose of holding up trousers, ensuring a neat and put-together appearance.

- Style and Fashion: Belts are essential accessories that contribute to the overall aesthetic of an outfit. The type of belt chosen can reflect personal style preferences.

4. How:

- Matching with Shoes: Many men choose belts that match the color and material of their shoes for a cohesive look.

- Buckle Style: The style of the belt buckle can influence the overall look. A larger, more ornate buckle might convey a bolder, more casual style, while a sleek, minimal buckle can be more formal.

5. Cultural and Subcultural Influences:

- Streetwear and Subcultures: In certain subcultures, such as streetwear, belts can be statement pieces with unique designs or logos.

- Athletic Wear: In sports and athletic settings, belts may be worn for functionality, such as weightlifting belts for support.

Master Red's Final Thought On Belts:

In contemporary fashion, belts are not just functional but also contribute to the wearer's self-expression. The choice of belt can communicate elements of personal style, adherence to fashion norms, and an understanding of occasion-appropriate dressing. While the link between belts and masculinity remains, the expression of masculinity through belts today is diverse and influenced by individual preferences and cultural trends.

Navigating Wealth in the Pareto Economy

In the quest for wealth, ambitious individuals grapple with a fundamental question: How to amass riches? The answer, in its simplicity, revolves around entering a lucrative field and excelling in your craft. Now, let's delve into a more nuanced understanding of this formula.

Investopedia / Zoe Hansen

Understanding Pareto Distribution:

In every societal fabric, wealth adheres to the Pareto distribution, where a select few at the zenith reap the lion's share of financial rewards. This distribution extends across professions, emphasizing the exponential benefits of residing at the summit rather than in the middle.


Consequences of Pareto:

The Pareto distribution dictates that mediocrity yields no rewards. Average is not an option for a decent quality of life; the choice lies between reaching for the stars or facing obscurity. While statistical probability leans heavily towards failure, the exceptional few who succeed do so remarkably.

Varying Inequality by Profession:

While all professions witness Pareto distribution, the degree of inequality varies. In realms like Finance, Law, and Sales, the top echelon commands a disproportionately significant share of wealth. Entrepreneurs face a high failure rate, with the minority who succeed reaping immense rewards. In fields like Art, Music, and Athletics, a minute percentage claims almost the entirety of financial gains, resembling a lottery of spectacular success against overwhelming odds of zero.

Law 23, Full Focus to be The Best:

To navigate this landscape and amass wealth, one must not only enter a lucrative field but also strive to be the best. Becoming the pinnacle varies across professions, but one constant is the requisite of extensive hours. In a world of competitors, working fewer hours than your counterparts ensures perpetual lag. Long hours, while necessary, are not sufficient; one must also embrace a zero-sum competition mindset, ensuring that competitors falter while aiming for first place.

Only One Hit Needed:

In the immortal words of Law 23, finding a rich mine and delving deep is more lucrative than fleeting ventures. Once a successful money-making strategy is identified, steadfastly adhere to it. Wealth and power aren't derived from juggling numerous careers; striking oil once secures a lifetime of prosperity.

Tuesday 05 2023

Mastering Masculinity

  Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom: Mastering Masculinity Through the Ages

In the pursuit of mastering masculinity, delving into the wisdom of ancient cultures provides a profound guide to understanding and cultivating the essence of true manhood. Drawing inspiration from the timeless teachings of various civilizations, we can uncover valuable insights that remain relevant in today's ever-evolving world.

Embracing Strength and Virtue

Ancient Greece, a cradle of philosophy, celebrated the concept of arete, which encompasses excellence in every aspect of life. For men, arete meant not only physical prowess but also intellectual and moral virtue. The legendary philosopher Aristotle emphasized the importance of finding the balance between physical strength and intellectual acumen to achieve true mastery.

The Way of the Warrior: Eastern Wisdom

In the East, particularly in ancient China and Japan, the samurai code exemplifies the embodiment of masculinity. Bushido, the way of the warrior, dictated principles such as honor, loyalty, and self-discipline. By understanding and embracing these virtues, one could navigate the challenges of life with resilience and dignity.

Stoicism: The Path to Inner Strength

Ancient Rome introduced the philosophy of Stoicism, which teaches the importance of mastering one's emotions and maintaining inner tranquility. Stoic principles, as espoused by philosophers like Seneca and Marcus Aurelius, encourage men to focus on what they can control, cultivating resilience and self-mastery in the face of adversity.

Connection with Nature: Native Wisdom

Indigenous cultures around the world, from Native American tribes to African communities, often emphasize the connection between masculinity and nature. The ability to live in harmony with the environment, coupled with a deep respect for all living things, forms the foundation of a balanced and grounded masculinity.

The Renaissance Man: Leonardo da Vinci's Legacy

During the Renaissance, the archetype of the "Renaissance Man" emerged, epitomized by the polymath Leonardo da Vinci. This concept encourages men to pursue a diverse range of skills and knowledge, fostering a well-rounded and adaptable approach to life.

Modern Reflections on Ancient Wisdom

In our contemporary world, mastering masculinity involves synthesizing these ancient teachings with the challenges and opportunities of the present. Striking a balance between strength and vulnerability, cultivating emotional intelligence, and embodying principles of integrity and resilience are key elements in the journey toward authentic masculinity.

The path to mastering masculinity is a rich discipline woven with threads of ancient wisdom. By embracing the timeless teachings of diverse cultures and integrating them into our lives, we can forge a modern masculinity that is not only strong and resilient but also compassionate, wise, and virtuous. Let the echoes of the ancients guide us on this transformative journey.

Friday 18 2023

A Gentleman's Bed

In the realm of a modern gentleman's lifestyle, sophistication is the cornerstone of every aspect, from his tailored attire to his cultivated living spaces. Nowhere is this more evident than in his inner sanctum—the bedroom. A gentleman's bed is not merely a place of repose; it's a haven that encapsulates his discerning taste, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to creating an environment of both comfort and elegance. In this discourse, we explore the art of curating a gentleman's bed that stands as a testament to his uncompromising pursuit of refinement and luxury.

1. The Selective Art of Bedding:

For a gentleman, every choice is deliberate, and bedding is no exception. Opt for the finest linens that evoke tactile pleasure and exude masculine elegance. Rich neutrals and muted shades provide a canvas that blends seamlessly with an understated palette.

2. The Symphony of Layering:

Mirroring the impeccable layering of his attire, a gentleman orchestrates layers of bedding to perfection. Begin with a meticulously fitted sheet, proceed with a top sheet for an extra layer of comfort, and command attention with a tastefully selected duvet or comforter. Elevate the aesthetic with decorative pillows and shams that balance form and function.

3. Pillows: Style with Purpose:

For a gentleman, pillows serve a purpose beyond rest; they convey an aura of style. Combine varying sizes and textures to create a layered effect that's both visually striking and profoundly inviting.

4. The Foundation of Comfort:

The cornerstone of comfort is an exceptional mattress. Invest in one that embodies your commitment to both relaxation and quality. Prioritize your well-being by selecting a mattress that guarantees rejuvenating slumber.

5. Plants (Minimalism with Precision):

Plants are a reflection of a gentleman's organized elegance. I opt for essential elements— a rare plant, a sleek coaster, a campus—and eschewing clutter for precision.

6. A Fragrant Signature:

Fragrance evokes memories and sets the tone. Enhance your space with a meticulously chosen candle or a spritz of a sophisticated cologne. The aromatic ambiance embodies the essence of a distinguished gentleman.

7. The Reflection of Personal Sophistication:

Craft your ambiance with pieces that mirror your passions. Whether an art piece that exudes refined masculinity or a curated collection that narrates your journey, make every element resonate with your personal elegance.

8. A Pristine Bed:

Commence each day with purpose by mastering the art of a flawlessly made bed. An impeccably organized bed is a testament to your meticulous nature, setting the tone for a day defined by determination and success.

In conclusion: 

The curation of a gentleman's bed transcends the ordinary, embodying his commitment to excellence and the embodiment of his essence. This refined space, adorned with exquisite bedding, meticulous arrangements, and masculine flourishes, symbolizes his unwavering dedication to sophistication in every facet of life. It's an art form that culminates in the creation of a personal haven that mirrors the essence of a modern gentleman—unapologetically refined, decisively luxurious, and utterly extraordinary.